Friday, February 4, 2011

Well hi,

I've found my posts to be rather... impersonal. I mean, they contain my opinion and such, but not really anything about me. I don't know... I just feel like talking about a couple things that I do, rather than just go on cynical rants. But meh. It's not Facebook here. I shall write about myself sporadically, and try not to bore anyone.

So, this is my first "me" post.

Well, I live in this great, big, windy, flooded, wet, ablaze country called Australia. I love it here, specially in Queensland. We're the kind of people who don't complain it's hot until it's about 45 degrees Celsius (113 F) and start complaining when it gets to about 20 degrees Celsius (68 F). I've lived through drought and flood, cyclones and bush fires. I guess its just a part of life here.

I live with my boyfriend in a lovely 2 room unit, full of asbestos and dust. But the back yard is lovely and large and it's better than not being in Brisbane. I am in University at the moment, doing a Bachelor of Human Services (I was doing a Bachelor of Business, but I figured this would produce more jobs, considering the amount of social workers they need at the moment) and volunteer here and there.

I am learning to throw knives (proper ones, not kitchen), partaking in Pen Paling, collecting stamps, reading books, drinking and smoking and enjoying life in general. I have a soft modded Wii, because I'm too poor to buy games...

And I just realized how boring this is to read. Well, enjoy!


  1. Nice first "me" post. It's a grand ol' start if I ever saw one.

  2. nice to know something personal! I would love to migrate to australia, great country!

  3. Well, I would assume that then the Australian Broadband Network is installed, and the internet filter put in place, I will be one of the first blogs/people to be ousted from the internet, for making anti government remarks.

  4. I actually didn't mind read it. I just used your accent.

  5. Aussies are so cute! Love your blog by the way =P

  6. So cute, in that large, bogan, survive a fucking HUGE cyclone kind of way ;D

  7. let us know how the cyclone went? :) my cousin was up in qld in the cyclone it was pretty wrecked apparently

  8. I always like listening to the aussie accent :L

  9. Whats it like living in the future? :S

  10. man you guys have had some serious bad weather... hope you're cool

  11. lets see some of your trowing knife target practice

  12. I like your blog, I'll be following.

  13. Im happy to be following another Aussie with the same interests. Check out my blog for Australian awesomeness haha
